
Don't Tell Anybody But...

I absolutely love the prompts for this month's 30 Days of Lists!  I love how they can be interpreted or done in so many different ways: serious, funny... You name it!  Today's prompt is 'don't tell anybody but...'.  Since this is my first time participating in #30Lists, I decided to share some info about me whenever possible so other listers/bloggers/readers can get to know me a bit more.

So... Here's a few of my confessions =P

I'm really enjoying the challenge that 30 Days of Lists presents to me everyday!  I feel like my problem when it comes to crafts (and even this blog...) is I would run out of ideas and then I'd start to feel defeated.  Aside from one or two 'quick pages' that I used in the beginning of the month, I started challenging myself to create my own designs for my lists.  Even though I've had many "brain farts"... I've pushed myself to crank something out and I always end up surprising myself.

What are some tips or techniques that you folks use to avoid a creative burnout?

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